Similkameen Place


Similkameen Place is the perfect environment for new students to make friends, get involved, and find quiet study time in a private living space. Students live in a single room on a floor with 40-55 other residents. Each floor has two single-gender communal bathrooms.

Quick Facts

Residence Address

1263 Discovery Ave
Kelowna, B.C.
V1V 1V8

Mailing Address

Room number
1263 Discovery Ave,
Kelowna, B.C., Canada
V1V 1V8

Rooms in this residence:

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    Fully furnished room with shared, single-gender bathroom on each floor.


Your Community

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    Front Desk

    Services are located in the Nechako Residence. This is where to make a payment, pick up parcels, borrow keys or ask a question.

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    Common Spaces

    Each floor has a lounge with snacking kitchen and basic cable TV. There are also quiet study spaces. Wifi is available throughout residences.

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    Residence Life

    Residence Advisors live here and provide support and opportunities for meeting people.

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    Meal Plan

    Similkameen Place residents don’t have to cook! All residents purchase a mandatory meal plan valid at participating campus food outlets.

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    Laundry Facilities

    Machines operate on a convenient card system—no need to worry about coins. Machines are located nearby in the Monashee Place basement.

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    Parking & Bicycle Storage

    Limited monthly parking is available for a fee. Bicycle storage is available at Monashee Place or Purcell.

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    Fitness Facilities

    UBCO campus has widespread recreational opportunities for students. Local nature trails and beaches are also steps away.

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    Health & Safety

    Residents can access health services in the University Centre and programs like SafeWalk. There are regular patrols of residence properties.

Sustainability Features

UBC has been recognized internationally for its commitment to sustainable living. Many residences have modern sustainability features designed to reduce waste, energy consumption, and water use.

Residence Life

“There are plenty of evening programs like dinner nights, movies, and learning opportunities in residence.”

Each residence at UBC Okanagan has a team of Residence Advisors who work hard to promote a safe, inclusive and enjoyable community for residents.